Your Financial Future Will Be Bright Once You Shift Your Money Mindset

Welcome to the Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast and Girlfriend’s Guide to Financial Freedom, Home Ownership and Investing. Does this sound too good to be true? I’m right here as proof that it’s possible. Just a few years ago, I was a single mom living paycheck to paycheck, desperately trying to keep it all together. After learning more about money planning, I saw the amazing potential in my finances and I’ve never looked back. I’ve seen far too many women battling to build a legacy that they can be proud of. And it all comes down to getting your personal finances in check. But for that, you need a growth strategy, which begins with understanding what’s stunting your financial progression. We’ll cover how to start from scratch, and what it takes to get your finances in alignment with your goals. I’m proud of you for taking the initiative to listen. This is going to be your first step. Welcome to the green community. Let’s get started.

Financial Future


Probably almost as important as the money itself, is your mindset around it. This isn’t me telling you to worship money or become overly obsessed with it. But shifting your focus to make sure you are working within parameters that clearly align with the kind of life you want will go a long way in helping you save and redirect income streams.

A plan will also help you know which steps to take next; the most sustainable growth in anything is slow and steady progress. You don’t want to flip your life on its head overnight; if you do you’re more likely to quit along the way- it’ll feel too hard. Instead, if you start to gradually see what you want for your future (and your family’s) and work up to those bigger financial goals, this will ensure you’re shifting your money mindset in a more sustainable way.


You’re going to have to get real about where you are NOW with your finances, and that includes the bad. I know it can be scary to finally face the music when it comes to finances, especially if you are dealing with debts or bad credit. Try and remember that millions of people struggle with this, and it is not a commentary on you as a person. 

If you are confronting your poor financial situation head-on, it means you’re brave enough to make a change and try. That, in my opinion, should be applauded. As someone who started from the negative in terms of debt and financial prowess, please believe that if you think you’re too far gone you’re not; I’ve probably been there, and through hard work and setting ambitious goals to guide my way, I’ve been able to come out on the other side. You will too. 



I figured the best way to help you out and show you the kind of support you get through my program would be to give you some monetary tips on the house. Put my money where my mouth is (I’m sorry I had to).

First off, no matter what, just start earning. Any income is better than no income, and we all have to start somewhere. Next, try and live within your means. I know this can be hard, especially if you have a family and children who need things, or get sick. But for the most part try and remember that you don’t need splurge trips to Target for junk, while fun in the moment, ultimately they do more harm than good.

When you finally get to the point where you’re ready to invest, do it! That’s the number one way to grow your money. Also, make sure you diversify your income stream and insure your assets. When you’re at the point where you could feasibly own a home, do so; don’t let the process of homeownership scare you to inaction. Actively plan for retirement and try and learn strategies like real-estate investment and the like to ensure passive streams of income, even after you retire.

All of this will help make sure your financial present and future are bright and make sure your loved ones are taken care of even after you’re gone.

Be sure to listen and subscribe to The Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast to learn more about paving the way for your own financial future. Join my customer hub for coaching opportunities and support from our online community!

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If you know you’re ready to start planning for your financial future today let’s get started!


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