Abundant Real Estate Investing: The Real Solution

real estate investing Apr 04, 2022

To tell you the truth, the road to abundant real estate investing isn’t always as hard as it seems. Don’t you know that real estate investing is more than just meeting with sellers, clients, and lenders? 

It’s finding that perfect community you will fit in. That perfect tribe that will support you as you go along your journey? Remember that market and technology are constantly changing. 

The most important thing to do to keep up? It’s to stay knowledgeable in the industry, in your journey. And this only means that you need to learn from your co-investors.

It’s the last week of March, how do you feel about it? It feels like we just entered the 3rd month of 2022 yesterday, right?

Here I am, wishing you another colorful new month with lots of achievements and promises fulfilled! Are you excited about April? Well, I sure am ‘cause there are a lot of things going on, so better prepare yourself!

Don’t forget, every ending has a new beginning!

Here we go! 💚

real estate


Are you planning to start living a healthier lifestyle and cook foods that are not just yummy but also healthy? Why? ‘Cause I have been so obsessed with this book that I am currently reading. It’s titled, “The Super Easy Air Fryer Cookbook” written by Brandi Crawford. 

It’s a cookbook where you will learn all the crave-worthy recipes for your and your kids healthier fried favorites! 

That’s right! You’ll no longer resist all your favorite fried food! Why? ‘Cause this cookbook will offer you the easiest recipes to indulge in healthier fired favorites any day of the week!

This Super Easy Air Fryer Cookbook? It will feed your family healthier everyday meals without compromising the flavors! This will give you:

  • 100 easy air fryer cookbook recipes that feature quick prep and cook times
  • A guide to air frying that offers tips and
  • Recipe labels that indicate fast, family-favorite, gluten-free, and vegetarian dishes.

Everyone loves fried food, right? So what are you still waiting for? Grab this cookbook now!

abundant real estate investing


You may not know this. But my ultimate goals have been always to make a difference and make an impact in every woman’s life. I aspire to be someone who can help them start their journey. Help them walk through their chosen path when it comes to their finances. I help them realize their realty dreams and achieve that future stability through real estate investing.

Curious? Why don’t you connect with me and be updated? ‘Cause my Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast will finally launch this coming Friday, April 1st, 2022, at 1:00 AM CST! Listen to my story and get to know me more.

You should enter my contest too while you’re at it. Come on! Get the chance to win the Four Seasons Spa Day and One-on-One Strategy Session with yours truly!

Come on! This is your chance to finally achieve that abundant real estate investing dream of yours!

I cannot wait to share real story transformations with you! 👏

empowering women


Sharing with you this heartwarming and proud moment photo of me together with my tribe, my sisters, and my daughter. It’s something I am always proud to share with you. You know, in life, it’s very rare to find the family, the community that supports and loves you. The tribe that always got your back no matter what. 

That’s why I always feel thankful to find and be able to build this kind of community. What’s more is that I am now able to share what I love doing with my lovely daughter, Bri.

Looking for a family, a community that will not just be there for you, but will also support you? Join you hand-in-hand to achieve that future stability? That financial freedom you always wanted? Join my Wealth Women Club now, and together let’s build a legacy!

Don’t forget that time with my tribe will always be invaluable.

strong woman


Yes, here it is, something I always wanted to realize and is now in the works! It’s to launch my very own Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast! 

This podcast will help you realize that abundant real estate investing dream of yours! Here, you will learn all about the steps on how to achieve financial freedom and homeownership. What’s more is that I will teach you how to walk the path towards abundant real estate investing, trust me.

And just like I mentioned in this email, we’ll be having a contest. Where you’ll get the chance to win a Four Seasons Spa Day and One-on-One Strategy Session with me. Which to let you know, I’m very excited about. Well, who wouldn’t, right? I’m finally able to realize one of my dreams on April 1st, 2022, at 1:00 AM CST, this Friday! 

Remember real transformation takes time, but you’re not alone ‘cause I always got you! Ready? Enter the contest now and be updated with my Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast!

taking control


Each week, I’ll be answering one question from someone on one of my Social Media Channels. Want your question answered? Ask away! Submit it by simply hitting reply to this email!

Here Goes The Question:

How do I start working with you to start investing in real estate?

First and foremost, have you seen my FREE Simple 5-Step Checklist? The checklist that helped my client generate a whopping $2,000 in her very first Rental Property Income? Not yet? Then you’re missing a lot! 

Come on, you have to download it now! Why? ‘Cause that where you’ll learn the real solution that will help you make your realty dreams a reality!

You also have to stay tuned ‘cause we’ll be having a Built to Impact Webinar happening on April 10, 2022! This Built to Impact Webinar will help you walk through and level up your real estate investing journey! 

It will also help you jumpstart your wealth-building and lead you towards an abundant real estate investing journey.

Ready to purchase your home? Then you gotta answer this.

real estate


Remember in life, there will always be challenges; but the happiest part of it? It’s the grace, and opportunities that are waiting for you to surmount them. 

You’ll learn how to move from one step to the other. So no matter how far and long you think your tunnel is, your journey is. The light will always await you at the end of it.

Your status right now? It’s not the true reflection of your future. Trust me, things will turn for the better. But if you stay where you are right now. Too afraid to take the first step towards that abundant real estate investing dream of yours. You’ll never realize and exceed your true potential.

Always believe in YOU. you got this!

Let us, my Wealthy Women Club help you walk through your wealth-building journey. And together, celebrate all the wins in your life now!

And if you’re trying to start organizing your finances or fix and improve your credit. Don’t hesitate to browse through my Wealthy Woman Workshop! That’s where you’ll find all the cool-looking but effective finance templates in town!

Don’t forget to slide me a DM on my Instagram account too: @greenrealestatemom


Join the waitlist to 90 Day Rental Property Course Waitlist!

Be the first to know when the course drops on November 28th