Welcome to The Fearless Investing: Women’s Guide to Real Estate Success (the "Program"). By accessing, purchasing, or using any of our Programs, Products, and Services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following Terms of Service.

1. Educational and Entertainment Purposes

The content presented in this Program is designed for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not intended as financial or legal advice. Before making any decisions, exercise caution and consult with your personal professional advisors, including but not limited to attorneys and accountants.

2. Income Figures and Testimonials

Any income figures mentioned in this Program are provided as anecdotal information and have not undergone independent verification. You should not assume that you will achieve similar results. No claims or representations of average earnings are made. Testimonials and statements from individuals are personal experiences and should not be construed as guarantees of future success.

3. Individual Factors

Success in any endeavor is influenced by individual factors, including education, skills, experience, and time commitment. You are encouraged to perform your own due diligence and seek advice from your qualified advisors before taking any action. Understand that there are inherent risks in any business or investment, and only use capital that you can afford to risk.

4. No Guarantee of Earnings

There is no guarantee that you will earn any money by applying the concepts presented in this Program. Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees of earnings. Your actual results may vary, and factors beyond our control may impact your outcomes.

5. Our Non-Involvement in Your Success or Failure

You acknowledge that we will not share in your success, and we are not responsible for your failure or actions in any business or investment you pursue. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Your success depends on your individual efforts, dedication, and market conditions.

6. Forward-Looking Statements

Statements regarding future events or outcomes, referred to as forward-looking statements, are based on opinions and expectations. These statements involve uncertainties and risks, and actual results may differ materially. Such statements should be regarded as opinions rather than factual guarantees.

7. Contact Information

If you believe that we are not abiding by these Terms of Service or have any questions, please contact us on instagram @greenrealestatemom or via email.
By continuing to access or use our Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Service. These terms may be updated, and it is your responsibility to review them periodically for any changes.